Friday, July 6, 2012

"Hey...What's going on with you???"

I had a friend ask me yesterday, “Hey…What’s going on with you??? WOW has this question really made me ponder, in a good way! I have spent the last 24 hours wondering what is going on with me!?! Honestly, I don’t know how to answer that question!! I am going to try to do a real quick update and hopefully along the way I might just answer my own question! Please be forgiven if I misspell words, or use the incorrect language arts. I have SO much going on in my LITTLE mind right now! J
Family update ~ I will start with the fact that right now I wish we could just slow down and enjoy all the blessing the Lord has given us! I have a great family that is growing up way too fast and I just don’t seem to be able to spend enough time with them! My ‘eldest’, Bryan, is now living outside of our house and I hate that I don’t see him as often as I would like. Tyler is gone to Boy Scout camp as a junior counselor this summer, which means he is gone the ENTIRE summer. Justin and Colby are off to church camps, Boy Scout camps, vacation bible school camps, parades, etc! (They are just plan busy!) And my sweet little Mary is going through that cute, cranky, lovely, drive-you-nuts two year old stage! I really just want everything and everybody to just slow down for just a moment. I would love to just eat one meal together, just one. It’s been too long. I want the kids to freeze and just spend time TOGETHER being my little kids! J (If you are reading this and you have little ones, let me suggest that you don’t wish them young years away! I know they can be hard at times, but I want them back so bad right now!)
      Bryan                                                            Tyler

                                                 Colby                                              Mary                                   
Adoption update~ At this point that is about the only thing I wish would hurry up! We have been on this journey for one year and two months. It’s been a very LONG trying journey for me. I have stumbled many times and have just sat wondering if I had heard the Lord correctly. The crazy part is we both know that we are walking in the correct path, it is just taking TIME! I have learned so much about the word patience in just the last couple of weeks. The Lord is the great planner and knows everything. I have to cling to that and continue to hold on to his words.
Rest in the Lord, and wait PATIENTLY for Him...Psalm 37:7

Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

Property update ~ we recently bought 7 acres of land! I have to be honest and say this land has brought us A LOT of work and has driven me up the wall with the entire cleanup, but I wouldn’t change any of it for anything. We have A LOT more work to do but one day soon we hope to be able to have a little working farm.  (I say that while laughing, we already have 3 dogs, 3 fish, 2 cats, 2 gerbils, 1 bird and 26 chickens and 1 rooster! I believe we might already have our start on the ‘farm’!) The Lord has given us a vision of a healing farm for both humans and animals! We shall see. Patience is all I have to say on that!

 Before (Umm-Yuck!)
After (still have lots to do!)
Land that I love!
                                                                    Just a FEW of the chicks~

Hope you have enjoyed the ‘quick’ update, I hope the next one won’t be so far away!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

~Big Pots~

The Lord pressed on my heart about two years ago 'BIG POTS'.
Yes, I said big pots. 
I don't know why, or rather...why me. But he did.

Here is my story of the ‘big pots’.

Just to give you a little in sight to that day, vision with me this scene…I’m sitting on the floor of a fire station kitchen, alone, feeding my one month old beautiful baby girl!  (Our church group was meeting at this local fire station on Sunday evenings, and this was the only other room you could go to and be ‘alone’ besides the bathroom!) I remember being very, very tired that day. (I had been on a hormone rollercoaster for the last 9+ months. I could be laughing one minute and crying nonstop the next!) So, there I sat, on a cold fire house kitchen floor, leaned against a freezer, nursing.
The following is how I remember the conversion…

 ‘See those big pots; you are going to need those one day’.

And of course I said, ‘Um, no I am not!’.

‘Yes, you are.’

‘Really Lord, look I have enough children, and you are telling me I will need those ‘big pots’! I don’t think so.’

And that was it. That was all that was said.

Months went by and I thought nothing more about that night.

It wasn’t until my trip to Guatemala, did he once again remind me of the ‘big pots’.
And of course I said, ‘Um, Lord, really you have the wrong person. I can’t handle ‘big pots’!’


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Josh 1:9

I don't know what it is. I am such a jumbled mess! Over this past year, the Lord has REALLY been breaking my heart for His children all over the world! The ‘big pots’ are being seen and felt everywhere I go. I don’t understand and am learning everyday that I don’t need to understand, I just need to be obedient. I have a ton of questions I would LOVE to UNDERSTAND and would love even more to have the answers too, but right now he is just calling me and asking me

‘Are you willing to be obedient even when you don’t understand?’   

And to that I say ~Yes, Lord I am. Only with you can I handle the ‘big pots’ you are planning for me!


Please pray for us as we continue to walk this adoption out! I am learning all too well when you step out in obedience to God, you engage the enemy!! And I am definitely learning that when you step out in obedience to God in an might as well set off a flare letting him know where you live!! BUT ~ that’s OK ~ we are ready to fight! I have let way too many things really get to me here lately and that will STOP today ~ Thanks in advance for your continued prayers for me and my family!
XOXO to you all J