Monday, July 4, 2011

When and Where??

“Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” Romans 12:2

As most of you know, Guatemala has been on my heart none stop since we left almost a month and a half ago. You also know that since we have come back, I have been so different. (You have to realize my eyes have been opened to so much!) I want to leave everything I have and go back right now! I am so tired of living this mean-less life I am living. Really, there are people out there that are dying without Christ, not just a physical death but also a daily spiritual death. I know that I know God has bigger plans for me and my family than what we are doing now. You ask ‘Why in the world would I want to give up everything that makes sense and move towards something that makes NO sense!’ Well, I just don’t know how to answer other than you are right…I am finally at that point in my life I feel comfortable. I love my life. We have a nice home, plenty of cars, a pool, three dogs, good jobs, 5 great kids, great church, and wonderful friends! I really could not ask for more than I have now! You are right, why would I ever want to give this ‘American Dream’ up? Well, I guess you could say I have seen the light’! I realize this world is SO much bigger than me! I now know that there is a God and he has just been waiting on me to move…He is a gentle Dad! I know I’m starting to sound a little "crazy."But, I truly feel that He has begun to stir in our hearts the desire to seek out. We are just in the beginning steps of the next chapter of our lives. We have had our ‘blinders’ taken off and are just now are seeing there is a cause out there we have ‘know not about’. I truly feel confident that at some point, we, as a family, will be going "to the ends of the earth." BUT WHEN and WHERE? Only God knows. I just know we are open. ‘No more tomorrows!’

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